Large Intestine Meridian Flush
This is a little technique you can use when you are feeling an inability to let go, physically or emotionally.
Working with the Large Intestine which is the transporter of the inessential out of the body in order to make room to receive the new. It is responsible for releasing the energy of old belief systems which is necessary for the conscious creation of change in our life.
We start by activating the end of the meridian either side of the nose, massaging here for a few breaths, setting your intention internally to release that which no longer serves you in the form of thoughts, emotions, energy or physically as waste.
Then move down to the space between the thumb and the forefinger, spending some time here massaging — making sure your shoulders are soft and that you are breathing deeply to aid the release.
Moving along the side of your index finger to the side of the nail bed closest to the thumb side. Pulsing here for a few breaths.
You can continue as many times as you like until you feel a shift, always going from nose to finger and not the opposite way to aid in the flush.