Our Large Intestine Meridian

Our Large Intestine Meridian runs bilaterally beginning at our index fingers and travelling up the outer arm, dipping over the shoulders on each side, coming back into our collarbone then making it’s way up either side of our neck to our wider chin then before crossing over just under the nose to meet either side of the nose on the opposite side.

Metaphysically when our Large Intestine Meridian is out of balance we can feel powerless over our life, all the things that we have said, done or believe that make us feel bad about ourselves can come up and it can feel really hard to move on and let go. Guilt, regrets and shame drive us.

When your Large Intestine Meridian energy is balance you feel much more enthusiastic about life, you have compassion for yourself and others, you are able to forgive, move on and let go all whilst having a deep sense of self worth and acceptance.


Our Pericardium Meridian