Your Kids and Your Energy
Your children are so sensitive to your energy, they will often mirror back to your emotions or feelings you are experiencing in a big way.
This can be most confronting, especially when you have been consciously or unconsciously trying to avoid working on certain things or areas of your life.
In Kinesiology we muscle test your body to see whether you are surrogating (holding onto) anyone else’s energy.
The most common surrogation pattern I find is children for their parents or main care givers.
This is not something to fear, this is an empowering reason and motivation to do the work and keep your energy in check.
Making time for regular self enquiry is a brilliant place to start, noticing and paying attention to what is working for you and what isn’t
Become mindful about where you are spending your time, who and what you are engaging with and what you are absorbing on all levels, nutritionally, socially, environmentally etc.
Be really honest and vulnerable with yourself.
This isn’t always an easy task as a large part of our choices and actions are happening unconsciously. This is where Kinesiology can be a really supportive tool to bypass the conscious mind and get really clear on what is going on internally for you on a physical, emotional and energetic level.
I work with Mums and their children to find tools and practices to help make the unconscious more conscious in their daily lives and interactions.
This empowers them to have a real self responsibility and awareness of their internal experience and how it affects their reality and perception.
These sessions can be so enlightening for Mums sitting in with their children listening to them communicate in a really different way.
This work is so special.