Metaphysical Links - Bloating

Bloating is something that we have all experience at one point or another — however, some of us experience more than others.

There can be many causes for bloating, food/diet, stress, hormones — in my experience it is more often than not multi layered, so best to approach it in that way too.

From a metaphysical perspective bloating can be linked to unresolved or unprocessed anger an trying to find blame outside of ourselves. This creates and fuels a cycle of victimhood which in turn gives away our control and power in integrating and processing the emotions that are afflicting us. It can also point to a pattern of worry and fear, where we are in constant self doubt and self sabotage which all comes down to not feeling good enough.

If you resonate with this, ask yourself -

How can I find more self responsibility in my emotional processing and in my life?

Where am I spending a time in fear thought loops?

How can I close out this cycle and close this loop to move to a more empowered and positive space mentally and emotionally?

How can I shift my thoughts and beliefs to better support me in the process of letting go and moving on?

I also invite you to work with these two acupressure points to relieve the physical, emotional and energetic symptoms of the bloating.

Large intestine 4 point - Located in the web space between the thumb and the index finger, follow the bone of the index finger to locate, it will likely feel tender here.

Stomach 36 point - Located about 3 fingers width below the knee, you will feel a small notch in the tibia at this level.

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