Our Heart Meridian
Our Heart Space is where we love and connect from. We always house that love within us it is just a matter of whether we are able to access it in the ways that best serve us.
Any self doubt, lack of confidence, detachment from our desires is really just a disconnection from our heart space.
This is a beautiful one to regularly check in with.
Today I suggest that you connect and massage your Heart 6 acupressure point on the underside of your wrists on the pinky finger side, this is what we call our ‘accumulation’ point for our heart meridian, a point that holds stress and tension from any heart breaks or defeats, any time you have felt betrayed, even by yourself.
Accumulation points can bring up frustration and anger so if that arises, stay with it, breathe through it and your body will thank you for the chance to release. Anything that arises you may journal to unpack or it may just be the physical release that you need today. Come back to this exercise whenever you are feeling a little lost on your path to get back to your true heart space.
Up your water intake for the rest of the day to aid in any energetic or emotional shifts.