Metaphysical Links - Eczema
Just like most other skin issues, Eczema can often indicate internal frustration and irritation manifesting on the outer.
It can also indicate too much heat or Yang energy in our body which can dehydrate our skin and lead to this aggravation.
Personally, I find that it can be a combination of what is going on internally for me emotionally and physically.
Just like our Sinuses, Eczema is also linked to our Spleen and Stomach Meridians.
It is best to approach Eczema with a multi layered approach —
Emotionally — Asking yourself why you may be feeling angry or a sense of stagnation in your life? Or where you may be feeling like you are unaccepted and need to hide or suppress
Energetically — You can use Large Intestine 4 point in the pad of skin between your thumb and the index finger to bring about anti inflammatory properties.
Also, I suggest working with homeopathy if that is available to you. My go to is Carly from Soenna Health.
Physically — Noticing what it could be in your diet that is contributing to your symptoms, for me it is too much dairy, for others it could be too many spicy, oily or pungent foods.
Topically, you can ask your Pharmacist for a light cortisone based cream or I like to use QV cream or Eco Tan Glory Oil.
Like everything that manifests on a physical level, eczema is the body’s way of trying to communicate to us that something is out of balance.