Metaphysical Links - Insomnia
Our sleep is so important for so many of our physical, emotional and cognitive functions, when it goes out the window we can be left feeling scattered, fearful and anxious.
If you suffer from sleepless nights on a regular basis I invite you to ask yourself these questions —
What area of your life are you worrying about and playing over/dissecting situations in your mind?
Where are you feeling unsafe to release control or unable to let go?
Are you harbouring feelings of guilt or resentment?
My tips —
Kidney 1 point — one of the most grounding points in our body also a great spot to absorb essential oils.
Pericardium 6 point — to release that tightly bound control and ‘on guard’ feeling in our body.
Lavender oil — has a sedative effect on our system and also creates feelings of safety and relaxation in our body.
Talking to your body — Treating it like the intelligent force that it is, communicating with it by saying internally that it is safe to sleep tonight can be powerful.
Journalling — Mind dumping before bed or when you can’t sleep can be helpful or pondering and answering the questions/themes above.