Metaphysical Links - Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a medical syndrome which causes pain throughout the body, often paired with fatigue and mental fogginess.
Metaphysically it is linked with emotions such as control, ego, stubbornness and guilt.
This may be conscious or deeply subconscious for you — you may feel like a victim or circumstance and have deep seated rage at this mistreatment.
Unconsciously you may have learned at a young age that pain = attention.
As the pain appears to result from processes in the central nervous system it can indicate that your survival instincts, fight/flight/freeze/fawn response has been activated which has made you feel like it is easier to stay in this familiar pattern of old patterns and ways of thinking than to move forward.
It can be as simple as your love language not being the same as the ones that brought you up, so not ever feeling loved in the way that you needed to be.
Themes to explore -
How do you feel about yourself?
What is your relationship to the outside world?
Do you feel safe in your surroundings? Or in the world?
Where do you feel safest?
How can I find more safety in my life so that my muscles can relax?