What is Kinesiology?

The question I get asked the most!

“What is Kinesiology?”

Founded by a Chiropractor in the 70s and further developed into what it is today with much research and trial.

This Chiropractor was onto something when he noticed the connection between repetitive pain/tension patterns in the body and emotional links.

At the basis - Kinesiology is using muscle testing to gather feedback from your body about where and what is being held in your body and your subconscious mind that is in need of shifting.

The body is always trying to reach a healthy state of equilibrium but with these stresses and blocks it can struggle, this is why Kinesiology is so powerful, it gives your body and voice and your subconscious mind the chance to reprogram to empower you to reach your happiest most fulfilled and healthy state.

This work is powerful.

Still curious, reach out for a discovery call.

Watch Reel Here


Our Liver Meridian


Metaphysical Links - Fibromyalgia