Our Gall Bladder Meridian

Our Gall Bladder energy in its balanced and aligned state is what carries us through life with courage to trust our own discernment and lift ourselves out of any lower vibrational states or circumstance.

When out of balance we can physically feel tightness in our neck and shoulders, headaches and tension. Emotionally we may feel stagnant in life, trapped by circumstance — a limited perspective.

I invite you to use Gall Bladder 21 bilaterally where our neck meets our shoulders, if you are pregnant please don’t use this point, instead work with Gall Bladder 44 which is on the outside of our eyes.

Take a few breaths here until you feel a shift and notice what changes for your body, mind and life.

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3 Ear Points to Calm your Body and your Mind


A Children’s Kinesiology Session in progress