The Myth around Suffering

Our traumas, wounds and experiences are unique to us but suffering is not — it is universal.

We cannot go through life without experiencing pain.

Life is made up of polarities — To be alive is to experience the full spectrum of feelings and emotions.

It is through our pain and suffering that we are offered the gateways to growth and evolution.

When we resist these feelings or try and hide them away, suffering becomes long term instead of what it is meant to be, a gateway.

The way we can work through these times for our greater growth is to take the shame out of our individual experiences — we are designed to co-regulate and to share, it is through doing this we break cycles and gain awareness and perspective.

We need to find the right people to have in our inner circle to share the our truth with, this circle can change throughout our life, the key is to notice when you have stopped sharing and are stuck in a shame or suffering loop and to take steps to call in that connection again.


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